Thursday, January 7, 2016

IDENTITY DRIVEN "AllforJesus": A Touch of Love

IDENTITY DRIVEN "AllforJesus": A Touch of Love: It is always extremely exciting to see what the new year has in store. It brings a lot of excitement and energy. We are excited to start n...

IDENTITY DRIVEN "AllforJesus": SEEING WITH GODS EYESIn my prayer walk today God...


In my prayer walk today God...
: SEEING WITH GODS EYES In my prayer walk today God really spoke to me. Often we look at other people around us and judge them and form diff...

IDENTITY DRIVEN "AllforJesus": SELFISH SERVANTSIt is amazing how selfish we can...


It is amazing how selfish we can...
: SELFISH SERVANTS It is amazing how selfish we can be? If we begin to really evaluate our hearts it becomes clear that we are about serving...


IDENTITY DRIVEN "AllforJesus": ALLFORJESUS: SELFISH SERVANTSIt is amazing how sel...: ALLFORJESUS: SELFISH SERVANTS It is amazing how selfish we can... : SELFISH SERVANTS It is amazing how selfish we can be? If we begin to...

IDENTITY DRIVEN "AllforJesus": ABIDING IN CHRISTWhat a difference abiding in Ch...


What a difference abiding in Ch...
: ABIDING IN CHRIST What a difference abiding in Christ makes. Apart from Christ we can do nothing. Often we are distracted from abiding wit...

IDENTITY DRIVEN "AllforJesus": Abiding

IDENTITY DRIVEN "AllforJesus": Abiding: ABIDING With all the distractions in the world it can be hard to stay focused on what is most important. Think about that for a moment. Wh...

IDENTITY DRIVEN "AllforJesus": Rest For Our Souls

IDENTITY DRIVEN "AllforJesus": Rest For Our Souls: Are you tired and weary? This may due to several things. First we may be depending our ourselves and not God. Second, we may not be trusting...

Rest For Our Souls

Are you tired and weary? This may due to several things. First we may be depending our ourselves and not God. Second, we may not be trusting and understanding all that God has given to us in Christ Jesus. All who are weary and heavy laden must find their full identity in Christ. And what an identity it is. As I sit reading the Bible, I am enjoying watching my girls play freely, without worry, and with childlike faith. Then I begin to think to myself "What else could God possibly bless me with." He truly has given me the desires of my heart. If we cant sit back and thank God for all the blessings He has given in the present, we will never be able to thank Him for the things in the future. Better yet, I think God waits on us to realize that He is in control and in that we find rest. As I sit here thinking about all the things I want to do in ministry and life, I realized something, today is enough. God has given and blessed me with everything I need for today. I must not take for granted the present with my thoughts of the future. Today is enough. When you sit back and just take a look at your life, wow, what a blessing. Now it is in the moving forward that we must not lose balance. What I mean is this, as we move to the future we must keep our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. It is so easy for me to lean on my own understanding as I look to the dreams of future success. Instead we must trust God with all our hearts and look to the present blessing He has so graciously blessed us with. In trusting the Lord and His blessings in the present is what produces a heart compelled by the love of Christ. It is our trust in Christ and the love for Christ that compels us into the future. Watch closely! If God has so abundantly supplied all our needs in the present, why do we not have faith that He will supply all our needs in the future. If we simply wait on the Lord, thank Him for all that He has done in the present, He will make our paths straight in the future. Trust the Lord with all your hearts and do not lean on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make your path straight. What an awesome God we serve. If we would simply surrender to the King and trust His perfect will for our lives we will find rest for our souls. Jesus says it best "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light" (Matt. 11:28-30 NASB). It really is that easy. Trust in the Lords blessings in the present and He will direct your path in the future. So why are we tired and weary? If Jesus is for us who can be against us?



With all the distractions in the world it can be hard to stay focused on what is most important. Think about that for a moment. What is the most important thing you can do? This past Sunday we started a sermon series about our True ID as we go through the Gospel of Mark. I found the feeding of the five thousand in Mark 6 to be a fascinating picture of abiding in Christ. If we look deeply into the text we can see how the disciples saw, felt, spoke, and blessed. As we continue to delve into the text we can then see how Jesus saw, felt, spoke, and blessed. Our ways are not His ways, as far as the heavens are above the earth, so His ways are above our ways. The disciples saw a crowd who was physically hungry, Jesus saw a crowd who was spiritually hungry. The disciples felt no compassion for the hungry, Jesus felt compassion for the harvest that was hungry and ripe. The disciples spoke about the impossibilities of feeding the five thousand (which does not include women and children), Jesus spoke that all things are possible with God. What a difference! The theme of the story, apart from abiding in Christ we can do nothing supernatural. The text says that the disciples kept coming to Jesus and their baskets were continuing to be filled. You see the fourth principle here, we can not bless others unless we are abiding in and with the power of Christ. Before we can bless others with the supernatural, we must be blessed by experiencing the supernatural while we abide in Christ. Only then can we please God by our faith. We can do nothing apart from Christ. But so many of us try to minster in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ without abiding. We minister in our strengths, in our abilities, in our understanding. We must not define our theology of the supernatural by experience but by the very word of God. We must not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we may walk in God's perfect and acceptable will for our lives. His will is not from the natural of this world but from the supernatural of His Kingdom. Walking in the natural reveals a form of godliness but denying its power. The supernatural miracles of God have not ceased, our faith in them has ceased. And without faith it is impossible to please Him and experience the supernatural of God's Kingdom on earth as it is heaven. We also have stopped abiding. If we are not completely dependent on God, knowing our weakness, knowing our inadequacies, then God will never be strong, He will never become our adequacy. And what a supernatural adequacy it is! Watch carefully! The text says they kept coming to Jesus. If we want to experience an identity that brings the supernatural power of God's Kingdom to earth we must go to Him who never stops giving. We must abide in the King so we can be blessed to bring the Kingdom to the world! Just like Jesus.   

Saturday, January 2, 2016


What a difference abiding in Christ makes. Apart from Christ we can do nothing. Often we are distracted from abiding without even knowing it. We depend on our strengths and the busyness of the world that drowns out the voice of God in our lives. The past year I have been trying to walk up my prayer mountain and abide and meet with Christ. This time has been incredible. But again, everyday is filled with distractions to pull us away from what is most important "Abiding in Christ." You may think it is a coincidence that when you attempt to abide in Christ distractions come. Maybe some birds outside chirping, a dog barking, kids wanting to play with you, something interesting on TV, the phone rings, a interesting article in the newspaper grabs your attention, whatever it maybe. This is not a coincidence. This is Satan's one last attempt to distract you from doing what is most important. Satan knows that if you abide with the King he becomes powerless. When you abide with the King He speak words of power and life that defeats the powers of darkness. It is amazing how so many Christians have been distracted from abiding in Christ. Especially when Jesus says if you love me you will keep my commands. One of those commands is to abide in Christ, so that Christ will abide in you, for apart from Christ you can do nothing. When was the last time you abided with Christ? Crazy isn't? God showed me this past month an incredible illustration that He has been sharing with me my entire life. I love to take morning walks up on high mountain tops. I feel I am closer to heaven that way and it seems to move me away from all the distractions. Anyway God revealed to me the only way my ministry could be successful is if I went up to the mountain, kind of like Moses. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai (or from out of the tent of meeting) Moses face shown with the glory of God. But Paul tells us that was only a fading glory, we who are in Christ have a permanent glory that reflects through us forever. So how much more should the glory of Christ be shinning through Christians. Anyway, after being a pastor for over 20 years God has showed me that the only glory I can show to those who look to me for leadership, is His glory. How can I show that glory if I don't abide with the King. Anytime I want to reveal Jesus to the world I need to go up to my mountain and abide in Christ. When I abide in Him, He will abide in me. I can do nothing of myself unless I go up to the mountain and seek His glory so I can than come down from the mountain and reflect the glory of Christ to all those I serve. If I don't do this everyday all I reflect is a fading glory that only has a form of godliness, that deny's God's full power in and through my life. After twenty years of ministry my legs are becoming worn out. You see as a Pastor I need God's glory to reflect through me every second of everyday, so I need to take my walk to those mountain tops everyday. But you see, shouldn't that be the same for all Christians and not just pastors. I guarantee you this if you seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness you will not be disappointed. Abide in Christ and He will abide in you. What else do you need in life?


Father God makes us aware of how inadequate we are apart from Christ. Brings us to the point of brokenness and despair so we begin to depend on you, to seek you with all our hearts. Awaken our hearts to know the most important thing we can do on this side of eternity is to abide with Christ. Jesus has given us your glory to share with the world and the only way we can do that is if we abide. We become like the one we spend most of our time with, lets us be overwhelmed with your presence that there is no other place we would rather be. Let us become more and more like Christ everyday. Let our hearts understand that there is nothing more important than spending time with our Savior. Amen.

ALLFORJESUS: SELFISH SERVANTSIt is amazing how selfish we can...


It is amazing how selfish we can...
: SELFISH SERVANTS It is amazing how selfish we can be? If we begin to really evaluate our hearts it becomes clear that we are about serving...

It is amazing how selfish we can be? If we begin to really evaluate our hearts it becomes clear that we are about serving ourselves. Think about this for a moment; why do you get frustrated, angry, disappointed, and bitter? It is because someone didn't serve you the way that you expected them to. I love my wife more than anyone, but oh how she can push my buttons. How many times have we heard people say that? As I thought about that statement I realized it was a statement about serving myself. She pushes my buttons because she is not serving me the way I desire. She is not doing what I want and what I desire. This angers me, frustrates me. If we began to walk like the servants that Jesus Christ called us to be these emotions would cease. Jesus tells us that whoever wants to be the greatest among you, must become the servant of all. I have a serious problem! If I cant serve the one I love more than anything (my wife) how can I serve anyone else? What a Selfish Servant I am. The reality of my heart evaluation reveals that I am a Selfish Servant. I am more concerned with others serving my needs than I am serving their needs. What a hypocrite I am. What if we actually obeyed Jesus words by serving the needs of others instead of our own selfish needs. This would be revolutionary to our relationships. If we are more concerned with serving the needs of others, the hurts and frustrations of others not serving our needs cease. Let me say that again, if we would be the selfless servants that Christ created us to be our fears, frustrations, anger, and bitterness would cease in our relationships. Humility and servant-hood is the path that Christ has called us to to be able to share the Good News without hindrance. Wow! What a new idea that Jesus has preached for years. Lets be servants of all.


Father God I acknowledge that I am such a hypocrite. I read your word and your truth all the time but sometimes miss the simplest of truths. Servants of all. My prayer is first and foremost, that you would allow me humility and strength to serve my wife (Melina) with all my heart. And then God, as you teach me servant-hood in the most blessed relationship, that I would take those lessons and use them in all my relationships. Thank you for your grace and mercy. Sometimes I don't understand why you are so patient with a sinner like me. I praise you and thank you for Jesus life, death, and resurrection. I thank you that I am in Christ because when you see me you don't see what I do, you see what Christ has done for me. Thank you for the gift of righteousness that I found in Christ alone. Not by my efforts, actions, or works, but based on the perfect life of Jesus Christ that has been credited to my account. Father make me the man or women of God that you created me to be through and in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.